Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Do I like the pain?

Today is a slow day at work and I'm cleaning some of the crap off my Treo including old text message conversations when I stumbled across some messages from a girl I talked to about a month ago. I know I still think about her from time to time, and I fell for her pretty fast. Like The Man Johnny Cash said, "I Fell For You Like A Child; Oh, But The Fire Went Wild." So knowing what would happen I start to read the text messages. I then looked at some of the emails we exchanged, and even visited her blog to see what was new. I got a pit in my stomach and thought to myself, "wtf am I doing?" I'm trying to move on with life, not live in the recent past and dwell on what was.

Maybe I wanted to remember the fun messages, IM conversations, emails and the one time we meet and had coffee. It was always fun, the messages always put a smile on my face, and I miss that feeling.

But when I meet someone else and they send me messages will I think of them, this girl i got coffee with one, or just the feeling?

fuckin a...

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