Monday, August 6, 2007

How I Met Your Mother: Top Ten!

This is an extended version of Barney's Top 10 Things I Would've Called My Truck If Ted Hadn't Been A Jerk And Given It Back. This is a great show I'm reallllly looking forward to season 3. along with Heroes, Smallville, The Office, The IT Crowd, ER, etc etc.

And the slap bet? there are still three slaps left!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Do I like the pain?

Today is a slow day at work and I'm cleaning some of the crap off my Treo including old text message conversations when I stumbled across some messages from a girl I talked to about a month ago. I know I still think about her from time to time, and I fell for her pretty fast. Like The Man Johnny Cash said, "I Fell For You Like A Child; Oh, But The Fire Went Wild." So knowing what would happen I start to read the text messages. I then looked at some of the emails we exchanged, and even visited her blog to see what was new. I got a pit in my stomach and thought to myself, "wtf am I doing?" I'm trying to move on with life, not live in the recent past and dwell on what was.

Maybe I wanted to remember the fun messages, IM conversations, emails and the one time we meet and had coffee. It was always fun, the messages always put a smile on my face, and I miss that feeling.

But when I meet someone else and they send me messages will I think of them, this girl i got coffee with one, or just the feeling?

fuckin a...