Tuesday, February 6, 2007

When it rains it pours...

So last friday I got some shitty news, I was fired. My boss walked me out of the building at noon. not the best way to end a week. thank god for friends though. Mary took me out drinking at 4:30 when she got out of work and we left the bar (me drunk off my ass) at like 10pm. It was hard on me for the next day, but by sunday i was updating my resume, calling up contacts, and attaching monster.com, careerbuilder.com, and dice.com.

i got some good leads, met with some recruiting agencies, and got a few call ups over the week. the best lead so far was with a company called Bullhorn in southie near the waterfront. i've had two interviews so far and a third that is waiting to be scheduled. it's an awesome company that's growing fast so i'm hoping to hear good news by the beginning of next week.

good luck to me!

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